{ in sequence } SILVIA RICARDINO – medieval harp. PAULO DIAS – afro-brazilian percussion and organetto. GISELA NOGUEIRA – wire guitar, guitar . Ogã LEANDRO PEREZ – afro-brazilian percussion and voice (guest artist) . VALERIA BITTAR – recorders . LUIZ FIAMINGHI – brazilian fiddles . HUGO PIERI – voice .

Photos: Daniel Bittar | Fernando Lazslo
FUNARTE Award for Brazilian Music – Ministry of Culture
APCA Award – Paulista Association of Art Critics
V Carlos Gomes Award – Secretary of State for Culture, São Paulo
Brazilian Popular Music Movement Award
In its trajectory the ANIMA Group has built a solid and award-winning career in Brazil and abroad, promoting and exposing the musical imagination of Brazil. Altogether there are 7 CDs and authorial musical shows, 2 collectives and a DVD. For these works, he received awards in the field of classical chamber music and popular music. ANIMA performs throughout Brazil, from the Amazon Rainforest to the Municipal Theater of São Paulo, in the USA, Canada, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia – Misiones de Chiquitos -, Colombia, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Italy , France, in theaters and series of ancient music and chamber music and world music. In addition to concert performances, the ANIMA Group also conducts workshops and courses, exposing its collective musical creation dynamics and the matrixes of music in Brazil.
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Imaginário Sonoro Brasileiro
The ANIMA Group launched, from June 2020, the CD Mar Anterior, which celebrates 30 years of its performance.
The CD book / booklet and the show are composed by works by the visual artist ROSANA PAULINO.
The musical show Mar Anterior is the third in the series IMAGINÁRIO SONORO BRASILEIRO, a triptych created by ANIMA and recorded by SELO SESC São Paulo, a series that began in 2010 with the show and CD DONZELA GUERREIRA, followed in 2017 with the show and CD ENCANTARIA .
Donzela Guerreira | Encantaria | Mar Anterior

Mar Anterior transits sonorously between the poetry of orixás songs in the Yoruba language and the medieval Iberian poetry sung. Its key point is the longing for African diaspora, the trauma of slavery and forgetfulness. Along with the first vessels built with the pine trees of Leiria (Portugal), planted by Portuguese kings, who start the Iberian maritime epics, the unprecedented repertoire also starts from the 7 love songs written by the troubadour king Dom Dinis (1261-1325), considered the inaugural landmark of the Portuguese songs of saudade and found in fragments in 1990 at Torre do Tombo (Lisbon) and unpublished for the current ears.

The newest volume of the serie, Imaginário Sonoro Brasileiro, entitled Mar Anterior (2020), had been released through Sesc Digital on May 29, 2020 and streaming platforms Spotify, I Tunes, Deezer, among others) on June 3, 2020. With 19 tracks, the physical disc – still without a live release date due to Covid-19 – is inserted in a booklet of 112 pages, which includes works by the visual artist Rosana Paulino, also responsible for the cover image; text written by the Portuguese medievalist Manuel Pedro Ferreira; photos by Daniel Bittar; and comments by ogan Leandro Perez (guest musician), Luiz Fiaminghi, Paulo Dias and Valeria Bittar, which deal with the encounter of the music of the conquered people, separated from their origins, and especially in this volume, of the enslaved African people, together with songs of King Dom Dinis.
- Channel with tracks from CD Mar Anterior | YouTube
- Making Off “Mar Anterior”, by Selo Sesc | YouTube
- Listen to “Mar Anterior” on Sesc Digital | https://bit.ly/MarAnteriorSD
- Listen to “Mar Anterior” on streaming platforms | tratore
About us
“Almost an hour and a half of language exchanges create an engaging, rhythmically sweeping, an emotional poem…”
Uwe Mitsching – Bayerischer Staatszeitung, Alemanha
“On its journey beyond ancient instruments and worlds, ANIMA builds a stimulant sonority, contemporary and muti-cultural.”.
Irineu Franco Perpétuo, Folha de São Paulo
Latest content
[ Making-of „Donzela Guerreira“ ] [ Donzela Guerreira ]
[ Making-of „Encantaria“ ] [ Making-of „Mar Anterior“ ]
Mar Anterior participates in the research project „Musicians, Music and Instruments: Investigating Performance in Historical Music and Traditional Popular Music“, coordinated by Valeria Bittar, Musics Research Group (music, culture and society), Arts Center, University of Santa Catarina State.
Servidão Riacho Doce, 170
Lagoa da Conceição – Florianópolis – SC – 88062-560 Brasil
tel. (#55) 48. 3234 6957 | WhatsApp (#55) 48. 99156 6957